Aid and Relief projects

At Olive Academy we provide Aid and Relief to the most unfortunate amongst us. Many around the world are in need of vital aid and relief. This is a very vital project and your donations will help many around the world.

Shelter Project

There are people, in the millions that don’t have any shelter. Due to being destroyed, exiled or other reasons.

So we provide, shelter for the less fortunate. This shelter will help them have a roof and protect them from the cold temperatures and at the same time give them a place to stay.

Educational and skills development

Education is a must for everybody. This is what will enable the children to develop and grow as individuals. These skills will range and vary to many different types. You can help this cause at Olive Academy.

Widow Care

Widows are in need of our help. They have lost they loved ones, and are desperately in need of help. At Olive Academy we help with our Widow Care Projects.

Food welfare

Food and nutrition is extremely vital for those that are in need. We have set up our Food Welfare Project, to help those that are in need, and provide them with the much needed nutrition.

Water and sanitation

Water is life. Without water they is no life. Our Water and sanitation project provides water to those that need it the most. This will help save many lives by providing fresh water.